MPK Advisors & CPAs Now Offering Proactive Advisory Services
MPK Advisors & CPAs began with one hope in mind – that the public would truly receive what they deserve from the relationship with their CPA. For far too long, the CPA relationship has seemed to drift more and more toward reactive and dormant, rather than proactive and engaging. The most pressing questions of business owners, nonprofit directors, individuals and families are not being answered; instead, the conversations seem to center only on doing what needs to be done just to be compliant by filing annual returns. At MPK Advisors & CPAs, we seek to change this course. We are at the forefront of a new movement in the industry to forge a new kind of relationship – the advisory relationship.
What is the advisory relationship? Well, instead of being driven by compliance with required filings (although this is certainly very important), the advisory relationship is driven by a passion for providing guidance that can impact and help shape the future. It is driven by the strategic mindset, instead of the narrow compliance mindset. It is driven by understanding your unique Mission to impact the people and community around you, the Purpose for which you were created and exist, and the Knowledge of important information that will help you make confident financial decisions. This is what fuels the passion and vision of MPK Advisors & CPAs – we exist to help you make more confident financial decisions through understanding your unique mission and purpose and applying our collective knowledge and wisdom to ignite your venture to be the most fruitful it can be.
Our advisory services include many topics including the selections below:
- Business entity choice and comparisons
- Business operations and documentation
- Cash flow planning
- Company fringe benefits
- Education savings
- Estate planning
- Independent contractors vs. employee analysis
- Rental property operations
- Business entity compensation and income strategies
- Buying and selling a business
- Retirement planning
- Nonprofit audit readiness
- Nonprofit internal controls assessment and operational efficiency
- Financial dashboard design
- And many more!
What makes the advisory services unique is that they are geared toward proactive conversations about the FUTURE, rather than the typical CPA conversations about the PAST. We cannot change what’s been done in the past, only sharpen our focus around what actually happened and accurately report it. However, we can impact and influence the future with the power of having relevant, timely, and accurate information to help us make more confident financial decisions about circumstances that are most important to us. That is what clients want, deserve, and are almost always looking for and in desperate need of obtaining; however, there is a shortage of this service right now.
If you are seeking a new kind of CPA relationship, contact us. We’d be glad to see if we can help you navigate the tough financial decisions that face most of us today. Our advisory services are tailored to your individual needs and circumstances to get you the information you need to work through challenging financial decisions. Because we know that’s what you’ve been looking for most in your CPA relationship.