Spring Has Sprung!

and it’s Time to Get Clean and Organized!

The experts are saying it’s time to start planning your spring cleaning and the best way to go about that is to make it as FUN as possible!  Although many people don’t find it exhilarating to dive into the minutia and get knee deep into dust bunnies, I think we can all agree that the end result leaves us feeling productive and with a deep sense of relief and refreshment.  Cleanliness is next to godliness, right, folks?!!

To get to that end result we are looking for, we have to motivate ourselves to get started.  What motivates you?  A good music playlist?  The relationship building you get from enlisting and doing those elbow-greasing type of tasks with your favorite people?  Think of the types of things you look forward to and help you get through it well by making sure to implement those fun aspects into your chores.  You will NOT regret taking a few minutes to put that 80’s playlist together before you get your cleaning started.

Before you can do anything, though, it’s best to make a checklist of what you plan to do and approximately how long you are willing to spend on each thing.  Having a time budget will help you to stay focused and also not get too overwhelmed when the tasks seem insurmountable.  For the time-consuming tasks, incorporate helpers, as this will make them go by faster and with more enjoyment.

Reward yourself.  If you are a person who thrives from rewards, plan those in. Take breaks.  Grab that snack or treat and get back to it.  There’s always a minute you can take to get yourself motivated by enjoying the reward of your accomplishments.  Plan the next one, then hit the checklist.

Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing, too.  How you feel will either hinder you or help you.  Don’t let something so easily manageable to keep your from getting your Spring cleaning done or your life more organized.

While you are in the organizational mindset, consider planning in a bit of time to organize your file cabinet and plan for your taxes.  Grab some file folders and your tax planning checklist from MPK Advisors & CPAs to help you know what paperwork to keep ready for next year.  January comes fast and it doesn’t hurt to have an idea of what things you will need to set aside for your CPA. Please reach out if there is any way we can help you be ready for next year.  We offer business projections and bookkeeping services in-house if you could use some extra hands to make light work.  Please reach out at www.mpkadvisors.com or (951) 763-7970.

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